Sintered high flux heat exchanger
Sintered high flux heat exchanger
pressure vessel
The sintered high flux tube is a kind of heat exchange tube that efficiently enhances heat transfer.
Sintered high flux heat exchanger
Regular design - sintered high flux heat exchanger
The sintered high flux tube is a kind of heat exchange tube that efficiently enhances heat transfer. It has a highly effective enhancement effect on boiling heat transfer. It can not only maintain nucleate boiling under small temperature differences, but also has high critical heat flux and good resistance. Advantages such as fouling ability.
Increasing the heat transfer efficiency of heat exchange equipment to reduce energy consumption by enhancing heat transfer is the most important way to reduce energy consumption in industrial energy saving, especially in the process industry. Increasing the heat transfer coefficient of heat exchangers to increase heat exchange is the most effective means of enhancing heat transfer. It is also the focus of research on enhancing heat transfer. For vaporizer evaporator, reboiler and other boiling heat transfer with phase change, the main method to improve the heat transfer coefficient is to increase the vaporization core on the heat exchange surface.
High flux tubes can reduce steam demand on the one hand, and increase heat transfer capacity on the other. In a large heat exchange system, because of the small temperature difference, the number of reboilers is very large. At this time, the use of high flux tubes can reduce the number of reboilers by 3/4, and the temperature difference ΔT requires only 5°C. Using high flux tubes instead of traditional light tubes can eliminate heat transfer bottlenecks, meet the demand for greater heat transfer load, and significantly increase output. At the same time, while maintaining design efficiency, lower steam pressure can be used to reduce cost.
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